[ RadSafe ] Risks from rdaition overstated

Dawson, Fred Mr Fred.Dawson199 at mod.uk
Thu Jul 13 05:47:53 CDT 2006

On 26 April 1986, reactor number four at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power
Plant blew up. Forty-eight hours later the entire area was evacuated.
Over the following months there were stories of mass graves and dire
warnings of thousands of deaths from radiation exposure.  Horizon
interviews radiation scientist Dr Mike Repacholi

Yet in a BBC Horizon report to be screened on Thursday, a number of
scientists argue that 20 years after the accident there is no credible
scientific evidence that any of these predications are coming true

According to figures from the Chernobyl Forum, an international
organisation of scientific bodies including a number of UN agencies,
deaths directly attributable to radiation from Chernobyl currently stand
at 56 - less than the weekly death toll on Britain's roads.


Fred Dawson


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