[ RadSafe ] Sb-124 IRF

Gv1 at aol.com Gv1 at aol.com
Fri Mar 24 04:07:54 CST 2006


I was looking for the IRF value for Sb-124 in NUREG/CR-4884 and could not 
find it.  Not too suprised, I thought I'd use the method on page 22 where you 
refer to the stable isotope IRF value and correct it for radioactive decay.  Sb 
does not have a stable entry in the IRF table.

The body of 4884 states that the information sheets in the 700 series pages 
were used to generate the IRF values.  There is a sheet for Sb but there 
doesn't seem to be much more information to provide 100% certainty.

Can anyone point me to the right references that show how you would generate 
IRF values for such a radionuclide?

Glen Vickers

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