[ RadSafe ] Disposal of non-functioning LSC and gamma counters

Johnston, Thomas Tom_Johnston at nymc.edu
Wed Aug 15 11:21:02 CDT 2007


I am asking for your help.

Can anyone recommend a successful approach and convincing method of
getting researchers to let go of old, decrepit and non-functioning LSC's
and gamma counters?

One of my arguments makes an attempt to use logic and common sense, but
this does not always work.  Telling them that they will have more space
available when the counter is removed is not always successful.
Informing the scientist that the cost for source disposal will be more
next year than today is not persuasive enough.  And a common defense is
that the equipment is fine where it is and is not in anyone's way.


Is there a regulation or statute or Homeland Defense directive out there
that will support what I am trying to do?  That is, get rid of these old
counters and their sources.  I, (better yet, my employer) do not want
the liability of these 'orphaned' sources, etc. taking up space and my


Suggestions, answers, workable solutions, please!  

Thank you all in advance for your time and assistance.




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