AW: [ RadSafe ] AAPM Response to NEJM article on CT scans andcancer risk

Michael McCarty mccartmj at
Mon Dec 3 13:13:58 CST 2007

I've only been to chiropractic offices to inspect the x-ray equipment.  That was in the previous millennium when I was allowed windows and the freedom to leave the building.

One chiropractor in my region had actually gotten an award (a community administered atta-boy, if you will).  He had x-rayed one of his incoming patients and quickly diagnosed an aneurism on his descending aorta.  He not only told the patient to forget about adjustments for the day and referred him back to his physician, but also instructed him to go there immediately.  This was probably a life-saving action on the DC's part.


Michael J. McCarty
Physicist, MDEQ Radiological Laboratory

Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Waste and Hazardous Materials Division
Radiological Protection Section
Environmental Assessment Unit
815 Terminal Road
Lansing, MI  48906

phone:  517-335-8196
fax:  517-335-9551
e-mail temporarily:  mccartmj at  changing to:  mccartym1 at as soon as DIT wipes my hard drive.

>>> <garyi at> 12/03/07 12:09 PM >>>
I've never been to a DC for medical treatment, and won't elaborate on my opinion of the 
typical practicioner, but I have a couple of relevant comments.

I have a close friend who shared this story about his grandfather Joe.  Joe went to a DC for 
pain in his upper thoracic spine.  After a cursory exam, the DC performed an adjustment.  It 
turned out that the pain was due to a bone sarcoma in the thoracic vertebra.  The weakened 
spine gave way in the adjustment and Joe, now paralyzed below this point, died not much 

Of course, if the DC had taken a simple x-ray first, it would have been obvious that Joe 
needed a referal instead of an adjustment.  Further, chiropratic deals pretty extensively with 
bones and joints, so it is just silly to say that they shouldn't be taking x-rays.  It is like saying 
your dematologist should work blindfolded.  It would be better to say that *all* Drs should take 
*quality* x-rays when appropriate.  That might be helpful.

And yes, of course they want your money.  If you can find a profession that doesn't want your 
money I would be interested to hear about it.  Like most professions, you have to sort thru 
them to find a more ethical individual. 

-Gary Isenhower

On 3 Dec 2007 at 9:50, NeilKeeney at wrote:

From:           	NeilKeeney at 
Date sent:      	Mon, 3 Dec 2007 09:50:27 EST
Subject:        	Re: AW: [ RadSafe ] AAPM Response to NEJM article on CT 
scans and
	cancer risk
To:             	radsafe at 

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I consider I must agree with the viewpoint expressed by many others 
concerning imaging exams where there is no apparent need.  My spouse 	
recently asked me about the practice, almost universal now, among
chiropractors  performing or obtaining X-ray photos of their patients
prior to performing any  services.  She had wanted to take our kids
for adjustments and said  that everyone she had talked with wanted
X-rays prior to any  treatment.

I objected to the notion entirely for both the obvious reasons:   1) 
I consider it unnecessary since neither kid has 'suffered' any kind of
 bone or structural injury to their body and 2) I considered it an 
unethical business practice for the domain of Chiro; a group that, in
the  main, has had it's mainstay in more homeopathic treatments or 

I told my wife that if she was emotionally attached to doing this,
then she  should just offer them $40 bucks to augment their gross
income and just skip the  x-rays.  Naturally we skipped the whole

Neil Keeney

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