[ RadSafe ] [Nuclear News] Duke submits application for S.C.nuclear station

Steven Dapra sjd at swcp.com
Fri Dec 14 21:23:18 CST 2007

Dec. 14

         This "news article" (or whatever it purports to be) is very 
clumsily written.

         One does not get treated "with" possible radiation poisoning, one 
gets treated FOR possible radiation poisoning.

         My guess is that some befuddled and hopped-up reporter meant to 
say (or should have said) that two people were 'believed to have been 
contaminated' but were not taken to the hospital.

         That is only my guess.  I could be wrong.

Steven Dapra
sjd at swcp.com

At 03:56 PM 12/14/07 -0800, Brennan, Mike  (DOH) wrote:
> >>From below:
>"Two people were treated with possible radiation poisoning, but have
>not been taken to hospital."
>What possible "treatment" could they have been given?
>Radiation scare at Auckland Airport
>Dec 14 - Air New Zealand's cargo building at Auckland Airport was
>evacuated on Friday morning after a radiation contamination scare.
>The threat came after a box marked radio active was damaged, but it
>turns out it hasn't leaked.
>Two people were treated with possible radiation poisoning, but have
>not been taken to hospital.
>The incident sparked a major alert at the airport, and a cordon was
>put up around the area.
>Fire service shift manager Jaron Phillips says the call came just
>before 7am.
>Crews donned splash suits to enter the building.
>Firefighters are praising Air New Zealand cargo handlers who they say
>did everything right.
>It has been revealed the package contained machinery used to bore

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