[ RadSafe ] Uranyl and increased risk ratio - discussion of the citation provided

Eric D edaxon at satx.rr.com
Wed Jan 17 14:55:53 CST 2007

In response to a comment from Steve Darpa James Salsman wrote:

> Do you have a citation (other than Hindin) for those alleged
> excess Basrah cancers?

>Sure, I have plenty.  Here's one from a Mount Sinai Pathologist:
  http://www.nuclearpolicy.org/files/nuclear/fasy_jun_14_03.pdf <

The citation is an undated presentation (not a published paper) that appears
to have other presentations embedded in it.  The data were taken when Saddam
was still in power and there are several limitations the most important of
which are a lack of exposure assessment (levels of uranium exposure were not
measured in neither the parents nor the children), the lack of a control
group (comparable measurements were not made in other cities, and census
data were used for the denominator as opposed estimates of the populations
in the cities at the time.  The discussion of biological plausibility that
DU was the cause does not include a discussion of dose.  The logic used
could be applied tom many other toxins - most notably mustard gas.
I have heard of no studies since then that confirm these data for the city
of Basra.

Eric G. Daxon, PhD, CHP

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