[ RadSafe ] Blast from the past
John Jacobus
crispy_bird at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 2 10:06:39 CDT 2007
1. "wide distribution?" To whom? I have never heard
of this Web site. Apparently, neither have you.
2. There are already a number of comments.
3. Ask about the "reviews from several nuclear
scientists." Unsubstantiated claim?
--- Jim Hardeman <Jim_Hardeman at dnr.state.ga.us> wrote:
> Roger --
> Good point. I was not aware of the wide distribution
> of OpEd News, nor its potential influence. I wonder
> which "top nuclear scientists" have praised this
> article for its accuracy?
> Anybody want to take on the task of wading through
> this article in order to prepare a response?
> Jim Hardeman
> Jim_Hardeman at dnr.state.ga.us
> >>> "Roger Helbig" <rhelbig at california.com> 7/1/2007
> 16:34 >>>
> Jim,
> Did you notice the comment he posted on his page
> about getting reviews from several nuclear
> scientists .. OpEd is a pretty widely read
> publication that is reposted to hundreds of groups.
> If this is full of zany science, it should be
> carefully and fully rebutted and not just passed
> along as a humorous "blast from the past". Their
> objective is to pollute the minds of those who don't
> know any better, to get them to include this in a
> letter to the editor, to influence their vote. It
> is not harmless activity.
> Here is what the author says about this article
> (2 comments) This was published in CounterPunch on
> June 27th, as well as in NucNews and elsewhere in
> the past few days. It was designed specifically as a
> quick-reference to cover the widest possible
> spectrum of nuclear issues, to bring neophytes up to
> date, and for people to send to their
> congresspersons. The article has been praised by top
> nuclear scientists for its accuracy (although
> pro-nukers, of course, say it's full of lies).
> Roger Helbig
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Steven Dapra" <sjd at swcp.com>
> To: "Jim Hardeman" <Jim_Hardeman at dnr.state.ga.us>;
> "RADSAFE Mailing List" <radsafe at radlab.nl>
> Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 7:41 PM
> Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] Blast from the past
> Jume 30
> This "old friend" is as nutty as Helen Caldicott
> and Rosalie Bertell (and
> a few other) rolled into one. He has a new finding
> in health
> physics: beta rays. Betcha didn't know about them,
> did you?
> Steven Dapra
> sjd at swcp.com
> At 09:15 PM 6/30/07 -0400, Jim Hardeman wrote:
> >Colleagues --
> >
> >Some of you might get a kick out of reading a piece
> by an "old friend" ...
> >
> >URL =
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-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
e-mail: crispy_bird at yahoo.com
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