Radioactive leak at Czech plant [ RadSafe ] [Nuclear News] Nu clear plant planning moves ahead

Maury Siskel maurysis at
Thu Mar 1 13:38:09 CST 2007

Awwright young man, you had better watch these embellishments or the 
atomic tooth fairy will smite thee with a blinding blue flash!!!!  And 
they might impound thy keyboard! Your behavior is being surveiled ....
Maury&Dog       (maurysis at

Franta, Jaroslav wrote:

>I can see the great newsworthiness of this story.....
>"About 2 000 liters of radioactive water leaked.... to a special tank
>through a special sewage system.... an open valve caused the leak."
>But I think that even with my amateurish journalistic talents, I could
>easily top that:
>"Tens of thousands of liters of radioactive water leaked for days.... from
>the reactor to a special steam 

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