[ RadSafe ] extremism

Maury Siskel maurysis at peoplepc.com
Wed Mar 21 02:33:54 CDT 2007

Hi Ruth,
I cannot agree that this List "...paints climate scientists as 
environmental extremists" Many of us do so paint climate scientists who 
insist that the science of AGW is closed, no longer open to debate, and 
no longer amenable to contrary evidence and who laugh at our supposed 

There was great enjoyment reading your post by Dr Emanuel to encourage 
moderation until reaching the latter portion which included a gratuitous 
cheap shot at Inhofe as being a scientific illiterate. Perhaps Inhofe 
is, but it is only with greatest difficulty that most of us can debate 
without someplace expressing feelings. Emanuel showed himself to be no 

Most professional politicians are, in my opinion, not well informed 
about science. I regard a few of them to be notable exceptions such as 
Inhofe and Domenici. I'm well aware that others do not share my 
impression of Inhofe.
These two politicians at least make some effort to listen and learn; 
which is more than can be said for most members of the House and the 
Senate. Look at Gore's movie product of his so-called study of the 
issues. I feel that Dr. Emanuel fails an attempt to promote moderation.

If you would have the most serious, complete, and most scholarly 
scientific work that I have encountered yet regarding anthropogenic 
global warming, please see:

CO2: The Greatest Scientific Scandal of Our Time
by Zbigniew Jaworowski, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.

If you read this synthesis of available data. you will see that Dr. 
Jaworowski did not lightly reach the title of this paper. It is an 
extraordinarily thorough scientific document.

If you would have moderation, see the Jaworowski paper.
Best regards,
Maury&Dog (Maury Siskel, maurysis at peoplepc.com)

Ruth Sponsler wrote:

>This list has become host to extremist
>"all-or-nothing" viewpoints that paint climate
>scientists as environmental extremists.
>I am quite disappointed about this, in light of the
>fact that, today, in my state of North Carolina, Duke
>Energy has just passed a milestone on its way to
>possible new nuclear power construction, and has, in
>fact, cited limitation of carbon dioxide emissions as
>one (but not the only) justification for possible new
>nuclear build.  
>In its news release, Duke Energy said,
>"The commission ruled that it is appropriate for the
>utility to pursue the development of the project to
>preserve nuclear generation as an option for
>customers. The commission offered its general
>assurance that such activities are appropriate.
>"While we continue to review the full order to
>understand its implications, we are pleased with the
>ruling and view it as an important show of support for
>new nuclear generation to meet the growing needs of
>customers in the Carolinas," said Ellen Ruff,
>president of Duke Energy Carolinas.
>Nuclear generation has zero greenhouse gas emissions
>and is a key part of Duke Energy Carolinas’ plan to
>reduce the carbon footprint of our generation
>.. "We also look forward to continuing to work with
>the commission and lawmakers in both Carolinas to
>facilitate construction of this important clean energy
>source," she said."  
>In addition, in a completely separate story, Anne
>Lauvergeon of Electricite de France and former CIA
>director John Deutch have said that the United States
>should act to cap emissions of greenhouse gases or
>risk losing global leadership.  
>But here on the list, these utility CEOs and leaders
>are seen as just a bunch of people "duped" into
>believing in a "hoax" perpetrated by "left-wing"
>climatologists like MIT hurricane scientist Dr. Kerry
>Dr. Emanuel criticizes the "Green" extremists for
>their anti-nuclear views.
>It seems there is no room on this list for a centrist,
>independent viewpoint between the extremes of the
>anti-technology, anti-everything viewpoint of
>Greenpeace (on the Left) and the "let's
>release_unlimited_CO2_" viewpoint of Sen. James Inhofe
>(on the Right).
>A political climate is dangerous when it allows no
>room between extremes.
>~Ruth Sponsler
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