[ RadSafe ] Oh dear! Nostalgic return of LOBA vs nuclear power for electricity

Ivor Surveyor isurveyor at vianet.net.au
Sat Nov 17 16:41:26 CST 2007

At 07:47 AM 16/11/2007 -0600, you wrote:
>"More Turbulence for Wind Energy" - "A couple of 
>weeks back (10/30/07) I noted that dreams of 
>wind power's unlimited potential was running 
>into the reality: the nightmare of unreliability 
>of the technology (the tendency of wind turbines 
>to breakdown in spectacular — potentially 
>dangerous — fashion). As a result it was no 
>surprise when The Herald of Glasgow, Scotland 
>reported yesterday that three windfarms were 
>being shutdown after one turbine bent in half 
>during heavy winds. They aren't even sure if the 
>turbine was turning or operating at the time. 
>Three entire farms are being shut down while 
>they inspect the other turbines to determine the 
>risk of similar collapse. As I mentioned before, 
>this could the a portent of the future in the U.S.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Even more recorded turbulence, plus mortality and 
morbidity data from wind generation,


Click on accident statistics.

Ivor Surveyor
[ isurveyor at vianet.net.au ] 

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