[ RadSafe ] Poison DUst on Lightyear Entertainment

Maury Siskel maurysis at peoplepc.com
Thu Feb 7 02:42:38 CST 2008

Hi Roger,
There is a tremendous population of Sue Harris' in the world who in turn 
are determined to convince all of us to keep our pets outdoors as they 
do theirs. Sad that they decide to live their lives in such a sterile 
fashion  They have no business, however, imposing their unhappiness on 
the world around them.

After all, us humans eat some pretty funny things out of our backyards, 
too. <vbg>  But we can still love, laugh, and productively coexist with 
much of the world.


The image

Roger Helbig wrote:

>Here is the distributor of this piece of propaganda trash -- thousands of
>young vets suffering from DU -- name one who actually is with medical proof
>-- that's my challenge to the film maker.
>Write to arnie at lightyear.com and tell him what you think of this.
>The screening of this film at the Orlando Latin American Arts Festival in a
>couple of weeks should be exposed as being the showing of a propaganda film,
>not a documentary.
>Roger Helbig

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