[ RadSafe ] NYC Proposal to Permit Radiation Detectors

Steven Dapra sjd at swcp.com
Mon Jan 7 20:10:56 CST 2008

Jan. 7

         To answer your question, let us remove the prepositional phrase 
from the sentence.  The sentence will then read:  "The term 'permit' shall 
mean the permit . . . issued by the commissioner."

         The commissioner is issuing *permits.*  He is *not* issuing detectors.

         Hmmmmm.  Perhaps the question was tongue-in-cheek.  Nevertheless, 
that's the answer.  The commissioner is issuing permits.  He is not issuing 

Steven Dapra

At 11:18 AM 1/7/08 -0800, Emer, Dudley wrote:
>I certainly agree it's very poorly written and thought out.
>My favorite is
>"ยง10-801  Definitions.
>f.  The term "permit" shall mean the permit for possession and deployment 
>of atmospheric biological, chemical and radiological detectors issued by 
>the commissioner."
>Is the commission issuing detectors? Is there a lawyer or English major 
>that can help me here?
>Dudley Emer
>Nevada Test Site - Mercury, Nv  M/S NTS306
>Tel:  (702) 295-7808 - Fax:  (702) 295-7761
>Pager: 7027945824 at nv.doe.gov
>From: Jim Hardeman [mailto:Jim.Hardeman at dnr.state.ga.us]
>Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 11:05 AM
>To: Clayton J Bradt; Emer, Dudley; radsafe at radlab.nl
>Subject: RE: [ RadSafe ] NYC Proposal to Permit Radiation Detectors
>Dudley --
>I think what you're saying then is that not only is the proposed ordinance 
>ill-advised -- it's also poorly written. I concur.
>Jim Hardeman
>Jim.Hardeman at dnr.state.ga.us

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