[ RadSafe ] MiniCAT mini-dose

Jerry Cuttler jerrycuttler at rogers.com
Wed Jul 30 22:40:29 CDT 2008

MiniCAT mini-doseOnly two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity -- and I'm not sure about the former.   Albert Einstein
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jim Muckerheide 
  To: radsafe ; Know_Nukes 
  Cc: cdn-nucl list ; 'Rad_Sci_Health' 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 7:24 PM
  Subject: [cdn-nucl-l] MiniCAT mini-dose


  Here's another indication of the reason for current NCRP/ICRP hysterics about CT scan doses.  It's not just the big medical equipment makers "waiting in the wings" any more.  

  Since 1927-28 in the UK, ICRP and precursors (and NCRP et al.), the x-ray equipment makers have funded them for this purpose.  They have tenacious commitments to retaining the LNT and ALARA "principles" and misdirection.  This is despite overwhelming contradictory scientific data (that low-dose biological responses are completely different than high-dose responses), and to fabricate public fear in the name of "radiation safety."  

  Congratulations to all involved in this non-science and disinformation on radiation health effects!

  Regards, Jim
  MiniCAT T CT Scans Purr with Mini-Radiation Dose 

  Mayo Clinic researchers find MiniCAT to be 10-12x less radiation 

  ANN ARBOR, Mich.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Americans can't agree on politics -- but the one thing they do agree on is: Americans do not want unnecessary or excessive radiation. 

  And while medical imaging in the form of CAT scans can be viewed as a technology right out of Star Wars - allowing doctors to look into the human body without making a single cut - that ability comes with a price: radiation exposure to the patient. 

  So is CT imaging worth the radiation exposure? 

  The answer may come down to the scanner you are being tested on.because not all medical CAT scans are created equally -- in terms of radiation dose to the patient. And according to a recent study at the Mayo Clinic, a CT scanner called MiniCAT captures images at a dose nearly 10 - 12 times lower than conventional CT scanners. 

  MiniCAT, a specialty CT scanner designed to capture detailed images of the sinuses and ears, is quickly becoming a household name in the world of E.N.T. and Allergy, and is the brainchild of Michigan-based Xoran Technologies. 

  This uniquely compact, ultra-low dose CT scanner is generally found in the offices of Ear, Nose and Throat physicians and Allergists. And patients have noticed the difference. The upright design of MiniCAT allows patients to sit in a normal position, without sedation, and the scan is complete in 40 seconds or less. It's so simple that Dr. Madan Kandula of Advanced Ear Nose and Throat Specialists in Milwaukee, WI, found many of his patients don't realize the test has even been performed. 

  The low radiation and the quickness of the test have attracted parents. Children are not afraid and do not need to be sedated. "Parents have gone to great lengths to track down a MiniCAT for their child" says Susie Vestevich, PR Manager of Xoran. "One family recently drove 8 hours to be sure their child was scanned on MiniCAT." 

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