[ RadSafe ] uranium and breast cancer

James Salsman BenjB4 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 3 11:48:32 CDT 2008

This is line 050 of Gary's pseudocode, but on topic:

"... at the end of the first Gulf War, the United Kingdom Atomic
Energy Authority estimated that 50 tons remained in Iraq, and that
amount could be responsible for 500,000 cancer deaths by the year
-- http://www.picassodreams.com/picasso_dreams/2008/05/depleted-uraniu.html

Did the UKAEA actually say that?

It is neither naïve nor ridiculous to demand accountability in
government safety standards.  What is ridiculous is to imply that
Congressional hearings would be detrimental to accuracy.  If Mike
Brennan has any evidence that government investigation is not strongly
correlated with an increase in accuracy, he will need to present it to
keep from seeming to advance that ridiculous position.

Steven Dapra wants to know whether I have read Domingo's 2001 review.
I have, and I will gladly read it again if he or I find it necessary.

Ref.: http://lists.radlab.nl/pipermail/radsafe/2008-June/date.html#10139

James Salsman

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