[ RadSafe ] ?Association of brain tumors and cell phones - commoncause?

Brennan, Mike (DOH) Mike.Brennan at DOH.WA.GOV
Tue May 6 11:17:25 CDT 2008

The talk of brain tumors from cell phones is, in my opinion, a distraction from the REAL public health effects of cell phones: People talking on them when they should be concentrating on something else and people summoning emergency help almost instantly from almost anywhere.  If you plot these any way you want; per person-hour, per call, per phone, etc, it will be completely clear that EVEN IF there is a connection with brain tumors, it is of vanishingly small importance.    

-----Original Message-----
From: radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl [mailto:radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl] On Behalf Of HOWARD.LONG at comcast.net
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 8:51 AM
To: Nils Rudqvist; radsafe at radlab.nl
Subject: [ RadSafe ] ?Association of brain tumors and cell phones - commoncause?

IF brain tumor rate is higher with high cell phone use, I speculate common cause, rather than cause- effect.

Th dozens of brain tumor patients I have known were all unusually active-minded.
They were just the sort of people I would expect to have high rate of cell phone use.

Common cause (very active-minded) rather than cause effect, I presume.

Animal experiments should reassure.

Howard Long 

-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Nils Rudqvist" <nils_rudqvist at hotmail.com> 

> Hey everyone! 
> Today I read a article in a newspaper called aftonbladet 
> (http://www.aftonbladet.se/kropphalsa/cancer/article964791.ab), it is 
> in swedish but the translation of the topis is "Big study: the cell 
> phone give brain tumors". The author of the article cites a scientist 
> at Umeå university named Kjell Hansson Mild who claims (after some 
> googling he seam to have connections with Lennart Hardell?) that "the 
> connection between cell phones and brain tumors cannot be clearer than 
> this". He also claims that the risk should be regarded only for the ones that use their cell phones more than 2000 hours in a lifetime.
> Apparently there have been some kind of release of a new report that 
> shows the relation between cell phones and brain tumors. There cant be 
> that many that have talked this much in their phones so how can the statistics be correct?
> Anyone know where i might be able to find this article or report? 
> Nils Rudqvist
> Student in radiophysics
> Gothenburg University
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