[ RadSafe ] Fabricated data: EMF and the question of DNA damage

Dan W McCarn hotgreenchile at gmail.com
Fri May 30 20:02:33 CDT 2008

The hyperlink is a long one, so it will undoubtably have to be




Begin Translation -------------

UMTS-Study (Prof. H Rüdiger) probably falsified
Medical University Vienna: Cell Phone study likely falsified.

The former (head) of the department of occupational medicine of the Medical
University of Vienna, Emeritus Professor Hugo Rüdiger could have falsified
data about the injurious nature of cell phone radiation.

The dean of the medical university, Wolfgang Schütz, made a statement of
"grave suspicion". He was the publisher of the two journals where the
studies were made public.

Two studies from the Medical University of Vienna about the harmful effects
of cell phone radiation might have turned-out to be manipulated. Given in a
statement, the dean of the medical university, Wolfgang Schütz requested
that the authors withdraw the publications because "grave doubt about the
scientific correctness" have surfaced.

This concretely concerns two studies, which were published by coworkers of
the university in 2005 and 2008. In the studies, a DNA damaging effect in
certain cell types was induced by portable radio radiation (GMS and UMTS
signals). The statistics were doubted however by other research groups. A
review organized by the Medical University of Vienna resulted in the
suspicion that the data were “not experimentally measured, but rather were
much more fabricated”, as stated by the Dean's office.

End Translation -------------

Read it and Weep! I'm sure that these reports were also "peer reviewed"
before the initial publication.  I can only say that, having worked in
Vienna for eight years, that it was "common knowledge" (urban myth) that
cell phones (and microwave ovens) gave you cancer... 

Dan ii (forgive any mistranslations!)

UMTS-Studie (Prof. H. Rüdiger) womöglich gefälscht (Allgemein)
MedUni Wien: Handystudien womöglich gefälscht

An der ehemaligen Abteilung für Arbeitsmedizin der Medizinischen Universität
Wien um den mittlerweile emeritierten Professor Hugo Rüdiger könnten zwei
Studien zur Schädlichkeit von Handystrahlung gefälscht worden sein.

MedUni-Rektor Wolfgang Schütz sprach in einer Aussendung von "gravierenden
Verdachtsmomenten". Er werde die Herausgeber der beiden Journale, in denen
die Studien veröffentlicht worden waren, informieren. Rüdiger wies die
Anschuldigungen hingegen zurück. Mehr ...

Zwei Studien der Medizinischen Universität Wien (MUW) über schädliche
Auswirkungen von Handystrahlung dürften sich als Manipulation herausgestellt
haben. Der Rektor der Med-Uni, Wolfgang Schütz, hat die Autoren seiner
Universität aufgefordert, die Publikationen zurückzuziehen, weil
"gravierende Verdachtsmomente an der wissenschaftlichen Korrektheit"
aufgetaucht seien, heißt es in einer Aussendung.

Konkret geht es um zwei Arbeiten, die von Mitarbeitern der Uni in den Jahren
2005 und 2008 publiziert wurden. In den Studien wird eine DNA-schädigende
Wirkung an bestimmten Zelltypen durch Mobilfunk-Strahlung (GMS- und
UMTS-Signale) beschrieben. Die Statistik wurde aber von anderen
Forschergruppen angezweifelt. Eine daraufhin von der MUW angeordnete
Überprüfung ergab den Verdacht, dass die Daten "nicht experimentell
gemessen, sondern vielmehr fabriziert wurden", so das Rektorat.

-----Original Message-----
From: radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl [mailto:radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl] On Behalf
Of Bjorn Cedervall
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 6:22 PM
To: radsafe at radlab.nl
Subject: [ RadSafe ] Fabricated data: EMF and the question of DNA damage

Saw briefly earlier today that some scandal had surfaced at the Medical
University of Vienna.
If I got it right a woman had fabricated data (a pretty good way of
obtaining politically correct
results) rather than doing experiments. It was part of the REFLEX project
and related to
the question of whether EMF can cause DNA damage or not (see also my
in Environmental Research, Vol. 107, 2008:288).
I don't have time to dig into the Vienna case as I am leaving (Sweden) for
Oregon & California
in less than three hours from now (3.45 a.m. local time...). May see some of
you at the
BEMS meeting (June 8-12)?
Perhaps some other Radsafers can help to shed more light to the creative
Vienna research,
Bjorn Cedervall   bcradsafers at hotmail.com
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