[ RadSafe ] " German doctor takes anti-nuclear message to western Canada "

Livesey, Lee M Lee_M_Livesey at RL.gov
Tue Oct 14 08:24:00 CDT 2008


I thought it was funny.  I don't think you were trying to make light of the situation presented and discussed, but just trying to inject humor.  Funny thing about humor.  Some people find some things funny, while others find the same thing hurtful or offensive.


-----Original Message-----
From: radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl [mailto:radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl] On Behalf Of Maury Siskel
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 9:59 PM
To: Muckerheide
Cc: radsafe
Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] " German doctor takes anti-nuclear message to western Canada "

My apology to all -- attempted to inject obviously very exaggerated
humor which sometimes is fine. This time it just was not funny.  I'm
sorry and will try to do better next time.

Muckerheide wrote:

>on 10/13/08 8:01 PM, Steven Dapra at sjd at swcp.com wrote:
>>Have you considered a
>>career in stand-up comedy?
> <>
> Hole's not that big. It'll have to be sit-down comedy. But that works with
> 'laid-back' humor.
> Regards, Jim

> <>Steve
> At 12:16 AM 10/13/08 -0500, Maury Siskel wrote:
>>>Steven, it is apparent that you are suffering the effects of a closed mind
>>>and excessive use of blinders. Can you not see the obvious and understand
>>>what is really happening around you!? Leukemias are springing up all
>>>around us -- we are all going to die! Can you not see how serious this
>>>might be? How can clusters possibly be random events! Are you wearing ear
>>>plugs? Everybody knows that clear logic and common sense tell us that we
>>>are in mortal danger. The Bush-Cheney conspiracy buried a huge supply of
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