[ RadSafe ] Organized Response to NRC Rule Making on Shallow Burial Depleted Uranium Disposal Public Comment Request

Roger Helbig rhelbig at sfo.com
Sat Dec 12 00:20:53 CST 2009

Public Comments on 74FR30175 for DU Rulemaking. ML093430672 2009-12-09 642 

I went to NRC's ADAMS last night while looking for more definitive
information about what really happens to the level of radioactivity as U-238
goes through its decay cycle.  The activists have filled 642 pages of
comments with very much the same well rehearsed canned story - about 200 pp
are post cards - this certainly speaks to some sort of well organized
campaign.  They are not just taking aim at DU, but by trying to force to the
long term storage of U-238 waste material in a Yucca Mountain type
environment they are aiming at ending the use of uranium for nuclear power
as well.  I invited RADSAFERs to go to the NRC Electronic Reading Room and
ADAMS and put in the above ML number or just depleted uranium Utah and 2009
and find, read and comment upon this.  It even has some of those grotesque
photos, including what is unmistakeably a case of Harlequin Ichthyosis - the
NRC should be strongly encouraged to expose these photos as not ever having
had any relevance to Uranium.  That would be a positive outcome out of
getting all of this out in the open.

Roger Helbig

(PS - I tried to find the information about the decay cycle and equilibrium
in the RADSAFE archives before I went to ADAMS - I recall a pretty
informative discussion when this subject was first broached by the
Congressman from Utah and the local newspaper reporter of what the activists
had told her)

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