[ RadSafe ] FW: EPDs for Hospital first receivers

משה קרן MosheK at sviva.gov.il
Wed Jul 8 05:27:45 CDT 2009

Hello and good morning,


My attached inquiry to radsafe never appeared there. Any problem?


Best regards,





From: משה קרן 
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 1:27 PM
To: 'radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl'
Subject: EPDs for Hospital first receivers



Hello Radsafers,


Would appreciate informing me if and what kind of Electronic Personal Dosimeters are in use in your territory, by hospital emergency teams acting as first receivers of possible contaminated/exposed casualties from radiological accident/RDD, etc. The idea is that most of the time EPDs are stored for emergency use only. Minimum specifications may be a very user friendly operation (assuming teams are not familiar with the use of radiation monitors), default radiation field presentation, simple one touch change to dose and back, non volatile memory, minimum detection of radiation field around 0.1 microSv/h, max no less then 0.1 Sv/h, Vibrating alarms.


Please feel free to send your comments to my personal e-mail. Hopefully will be able to summarize and distribute to all  the group.


Best Regards


Moshe Keren

Ministry of Environmental Protection






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