[ RadSafe ] Exposed workers - "Background" radon

Franz Schönhofer franz.schoenhofer at chello.at
Tue Jun 23 15:30:59 CDT 2009



I am now reviewing an Austrian Standard on „Background Radon – Geogenic
Radon“ exposure which should according to a recent Austrian ordinance be
substracted from the actual radon concentration in the air the employees
work in. First of all I think that for the determination of dose to workers
the total radon concentration has to be used, whatever its origin is!
Second: I cannot imagine that it is possible to distinguish at a working
place the radon coming from  the material containing NORM and the radon for
instance exhaled from the ground, liberated from water (waterworks!) or
building material or other sources. It is a fact that the worker will
receive a dose composed from all these components!


This is my opinion, but I would very much like to know, what the situation
and the regulations are in other countries. What is the maximum permissible
radon concentration at workplaces or for the dose from it? Is there any
provision in any country for subtracting  „geogenic“ radon from the radon
concentrations liberated at the working place from materials processed?  


I would appreciate answers as soon as possible! Thank you!


Best regards,




Franz Schoenhofer, PhD

MinRat i.R.

Habicherg. 31/7

A-1160 Wien/Vienna



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