FW: [ RadSafe ] [Radsafe] small question on steel contamination

gert.jonkers at shell.com gert.jonkers at shell.com
Wed May 20 10:31:31 CDT 2009


Indeed it should be able to detect (assumed) Co-60 much simpler. Exploiting handheld scintillation type of monitors should do the job. In my opinion the GammaRAE II or RadEye PRD would be good enough. I think the RedAlert being of the GM-type is a slow and less sensitive responser in this respect. Does Ludlum have this type of small handheld scintillation type of monitors available?

Is the Co-60 stainless steel issue also hitting Australia?

Kind regards,
Gert Jonkers

-----Original Message-----
From: radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl [mailto:radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl]On
Behalf Of Nick Tsurikov
Sent: 14 May 2009 12:10
To: radsafe at radlab.nl
Subject: [ RadSafe ] [Radsafe] small question on steel contamination

Greetings from Australia!
I wonder if someone could let me know, nothing to do with my work, I'm just
We do remember steel contaminated by cobalt-60 (lift buttons, etc).  I had a
look and all suggestions for steel screening include very complicated and
expensive systems, with 'exploranium identifier' being probably the
I do understand that to 'get the picture' with which radioisotope the steel
is contaminated one needs sophisticated equipment.  But...  would we be able
to detect the 'general' increase in gamma radiation with something much more
simple (like RadAlert or a simple Ludlum) and, if the difference is detected
- continue with more complex equipment?
Kind regards
Nick Tsurikov
Eneabba, Western Australia
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