[ RadSafe ] Airborne Monitoring for Cl-39

Tracy, James W. james.tracy at nist.gov
Tue Nov 17 09:50:30 CST 2009


I am looking for information for performing airborne monitoring for Cl-39.  We are operating an accelerator and plan to irradiate liquid Argon for an experiment.  This will result in the production of Cl-39 via gamma activation.  I expect some of the Cl-39 to change from liquid to gas and become airborne.  We have local ventilation that will exhaust this out of the building via a stack.  I want to monitor the stack effluents during this operation.

My question is how do I sample this?  Normally, I would sample the stack with a filter paper and charcoal cartridge.  But with the chlorine being a gas, I'm not sure what collection efficiency I would have.


Jim Tracy
Health Physicist

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