[ RadSafe ] "Countdown to Zero" disarmament movie

Dixon, John E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) gyf7 at cdc.gov
Thu Aug 12 17:05:22 CDT 2010

Here's my las message with a spelling correction.
Well said Mike!
As an ex-Navy nuke myself some years ago (LELT SSBN 645), I am a strong supporter of the philosophy of one of our greatest Presidents, Ronald Wilson Reagan: Peace through STRENGTH. 
God Bless the USA.
John Dixon


From: radsafe-bounces at health.phys.iit.edu on behalf of Brennan, Mike (DOH)
Sent: Thu 8/12/2010 11:53 AM
To: radsafe at health.phys.iit.edu
Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] "Countdown to Zero" disarmament movie

This is a part of nuclear deterrence that many people don't grasp; we
were out there in the SSBNs, and our counterparts were in the bombers
and missile silos, not to "win" a nuclear war, but to make it abundantly
clear that the USSR could not neither win a nuclear war, nor succeed in
an invasion of Western Europe.  In the kind of complexity that often
creeps into a system where one or more humans are involved, the most
practical way of avoiding the fight was to be fully prepared to fight

-----Original Message-----
From: radsafe-bounces at health.phys.iit.edu
[mailto:radsafe-bounces at health.phys.iit.edu] On Behalf Of Mark Holmes
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 10:12 PM
To: radsafe at health.phys.iit.edu
Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] "Countdown to Zero" disarmament movie

So are you saying he was wise   ....or insane??

With regard to the - lets face it - armageddon of nuclear war, I would
have thought the most important thing would not be "the will to win" nor
"the will to survive", but the will to avoid it in the first place.

Mark Holmes | Medical Physicist | Dunedin Hospital, New Zealand |
mark.holmes at southerndhb.govt.nz

-----Original Message-----
From: radsafe-bounces at health.phys.iit.edu
[mailto:radsafe-bounces at health.phys.iit.edu] On Behalf Of Steven Dapra
Sent: Thursday, 12 August 2010 13:02
To: radsafe at agni.phys.iit.edu
Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] "Countdown to Zero" disarmament movie

Aug. 11

         In approximately 1983 Petr Beckmann delivered a lecture about
the nuclear freeze movement.  (He took a rather dim view of it.)

         With respect to nuclear war in particular, he said the two most
important things were "the will to win and the capacity to survive."

Steven Dapra

At 03:02 PM 8/11/2010, Shane Connor wrote:
>Thank you for the response and your encouragement for mass public Civil

>Defense training, Mike.
>I'm thinking it might take news breaking of a county or, better yet, a
>state, stepping up and doing it on it's own first, if Fed's hadn't yet,

>to spark national debate questioning and pushing Fed's why they are
>Of course, with tightening state budgets and top-down management
>attitudes, I don't have many illusions holding out hope we'll see that.
>But, who knows, if we saw a nuke unleashed today, and it's aftermath
>all the news then, hopefully somewhere other than here first, then that

>attitude could change in a flash here then, too! The call for Civil
>Defense could be deafening then, let's just hope not too late to still
>I'd hoped that when the only county in America that had, on their own,
>re-instituted their public fallout shelters and local radiation
>monitoring networks, we'd of then seen both better national news
>coverage of it, followed by that national debate re Civil Defense,
>which would lead into training of the public, too.
>See what Madison County - Huntsville, Alabama, home of our nations
>rocket scientists at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center have done
>there http://www.hsvcity.com/video_files/nuke_fallout.wmv and
>presentation of how every county could, too, here
>Shane Connor
>Brennan, Mike (DOH)
>Wed Aug 11 14:51:55 CDT 2010
>Hi, Shane.
>I don't disagree with anything you've said.  I am convinced that even
>minimal training, combined with more extensive planning, can make a big

>difference.  As an example, I hold up earthquakes.  Haiti was hit by a
>7.0 earthquake, and approaching a quarter of a million people died.
>Chile was hit by an 8.8, and less than 500 people died.  I was less
>than 10 miles from the epicenter of a 6.8 here in Washington, in which
>no one died (and yes, I acknowledge there was a fair amount of luck in
>While there are a lot of factors in the different casualty numbers, the

>biggest is building codes that take into account earthquakes (and are
>enforced), the next is emergency services, and the next is a public
>that has been trained on what to do (and you can argue the order of the

>last two).
>I think a lot of preparation that would be useful in a nuclear
>detonation scenario can be generalized to other, higher probability
>events.  For example, every building built in areas that get hurricanes

>should be engineered to withstand high winds, whether they come from a
>storm of a or a huge natural gas explosion or a nuke.  Same tornado
>areas.  The stores in a secure part of your home work equally well for
>sheltering in place because of fallout or being stuck without power
>during a blizzard. (I, personally, think that trying to drive out of an

>oncoming plume is an excellent way of experiencing it inside a car
>stuck in a traffic jam, or of going from someplace that turns out not
>to be in the plume to someplace that is.)  Knowing basic first aid is
>good, regardless of what caused the injuries.
>I wish you success in convincing people.

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