[ RadSafe ] Nuclear Power in Saudi Arabia

George Stanford gstanford at aya.yale.edu
Mon Aug 23 11:07:08 CDT 2010


      Amen to that!

      The obvious solution is to make a full nuclear power cycle 
optional.  No matter how many reactors a country has, they will not 
make their own weapons without a facility for either enriching 
uranium or processing used fuel.  If there were ironclad guarantees 
of an affordable fuel supply, non-weapons states would have the 
luxury of avoiding the expense of developing indigenous fuel 
capability -- and failure to take advantage of that would indicate a 
hidden agenda.

      The now-abandoned (?) GNEP embodied a step in that direction.

      Iran is of course a case in point.  As it is, Iran can 
legitimately claim that, notwithstanding  the current Russian help, 
they must have their own fuel production capability to avoid the 
possibility of being blackmailed in the future by threats to cut off 
their nuclear fuel.

      George S. Stanford
      Reactor physicist. retired.


At 09:48 AM 8/23/2010, Perle, Sandy wrote:
While not the conventional opinion, I believe that countries that 
desire to develop a peaceful nuclear power program need not seek 
opinions from other countries. It is not for anyone to promulgate a 
policy whereby only "they" have the right to this technology and that 
"others" do not have that right. There should not be a "nuclear 
police state" that has veto power of who shall have what. It's not 
that different to ask is the Saudis have oil, why do they need 
nuclear power and not ask the same question of the USA, where there 
is abundant coal for generating power. What's the difference!



Sander C. Perle
Mirion Technologies
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-----Original Message-----
From: radsafe-bounces at health.phys.iit.edu 
[mailto:radsafe-bounces at health.phys.iit.edu] On Behalf Of Ahmad Al-Ani
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2010 11:24 PM
To: radsafe at health.phys.iit.edu
Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] Nuclear Power in Saudi Arabia

Comments below:

At 05:44 PM 8/22/2010, ROY HERREN wrote:

" They (the Saudis) could no doubt meet their domestic energy needs 
for many decades to come just by utilizing their natural
gas "

You have to look at energy issue as an intergrated global balance of 
energy demand and supply, not on a country by country basis. The 
current published trends indicate that around the year 2035, the 
Saudi oil output will break eleven with the domestic consumption. 
That is a two fold problem, revenues for Saudi Arabia, and less oil 
for the ever oil addicted nations. Such trend is influenced by the 
domestic developments, population increase, and slow down of oil 
production from soon to dry out wells.

Accordingly, the use of the Nuclear Power Plants in Saudi Arabia, or 
many OPEC nations, is a good global energy policy. Sustainable 
development for the exporters of oil, revival of an under-utilized 
technology, and extending the oil life line for the oil consumer nations.

" So then the million dollar question is why are they currently 
interested in obtaining Nuclear Power?"

Partially answered above, but in the words of a Saudi advisor to the king
"It is a pity to use oil, which is a valuable source of revenue, to meet
domestic electricity demand. It makes more sense to use oil
as a means of obtaining foreign currency."

I would add that many oil exporters can "afford" such projects at 
this time, and, there is no local active anti-nuclear groups to 
challenge such developments. Both factors are in reverse in many 
developed, oil consuming nations.

"How does the International Community go about assisting countries in 
obtaining peaceful use of Nuclear Power while at
the same time preventing proliferation of weapons grade fissile materials?"

This has already been materialized in the model adopted by the United 
Arab Emirates (UAE), world's fourth oil reserve country. Their model 
was called the "golden model" by the GWB US administration. The 
basics of that model is that the country gives up its national right 
of uranium enrichment and spent fuel reprocessing.

Many diplomatic battles are being fought as we speak concerning that 
issue. Worth mentioning, is the Israeli objection to the Jordanian 
Nuclear Power Plants project. Jordan is rich with Uranium ore and 
have already signed contracts with French Areva to mine the Uranium. 
Yet, the King of Jordan last month went public and disclosed the 
Israeli attempts to pressure Jordan to give up their right to mine 
and enrich their own domestic uranium supply.

For the commercial battle of all of this, see the Japanese 
perspective of it, in this recent 2 parts report




Ahmad Al-Ani
Radiation Physicist

On Mon Aug 23rd, 2010 2:44 AM AST ROY HERREN wrote:

 >In addition to having vast oil reserves it is highly likely that Saudi Arabia
 >also has equally vast natural gas reserves.  They could no doubt meet their
 >domestic energy needs for many decades to come just by utilizing 
their natural
 >gas.  The short of it is that they won't need Nuclear Power to supply their
 >domestic energy needs for many decades.  So then the million dollar 
question is
 >why are they currently interested in obtaining Nuclear Power?  Will 
there be a
 >time in the near term future when all of the countries in the 
region will have
 >attempting to build Nuclear Power plants?  If one were to look at it from the
 >Saudi perspective, if Israel and Iran both have Nuclear Power 
plants, then why
 >shouldn't Saudi Arabia also have one?  How does the International 
Community go
 >about assisting countries in obtaining peaceful use of Nuclear Power while at
 >the same time preventing proliferation of weapons grade fissile materials?
 > Roy Herren
 >From: "blreider at aol.com" <blreider at aol.com>
 >To: radsafe at health.phys.iit.edu
 >Sent: Sun, August 22, 2010 4:04:11 PM
 >Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] Nuclear Power in Saudi Arabia
 >Thank you for adding to this discussion.  Being pro-nuclear does 
not necessarily
 >mean one is anti-other forms of energy production or not environmentally
 >friendly.  When the issue of Saudi Arabia (SA) nukes came up I 
thought - why? SA
 >has lots of land and sun plus oil.  The population density is not huge
 >http://www.mongabay.com/igapo/world_statistics_by_area.htm.  Solar 
seems ideal
 >for that environment, and I have read that SA is using solar for all sorts of
 >Dose from Coal Fire:  I performed the dose calculations in the environmental
 >impact statement (EIS) for the 1978 fuel use act so perhaps I can add to the
 >point regarding radionuclide emissions. The EIS concluded that increased coal
 >use (rather than using oil based fuels) would increase dose to the 
public.  It
 >was my personal observation at the time that the doses to the 
population due to
 >coal fire plants (fly ash) were higher than those I had seen and 
calculated for
 >normally operating nuclear power plants.  I believe the reason was 
that the coal
 >fie plants were located closer to population centers and fly ash contained a
 >number of alpha emitters.  Of course back then there were not as many
 >environmental controls on the emissions as there are today.  We 
were using older
 >models and data than are used today including ICRP 2 & USNRC RG 1.109
 >incorporated in the beta version of RESRAD developed at Argonne by 
Dr. Yuchien
 >Yuan and others.  I cannot find a link to that EIS or I would
 >  post it.  Please don't ask me what "higher" means in terms of 
numbers, I don't
 >Life Cycle Cost:  I don't know if the numbers provided by DOE in my lined
 >references include total life cycle of any of the electric 
generation methods.
 >For a few years I have tried to figure out whether solar panels or 
a small wind
 >generator would be cost effective for my house.  I think these methods of
 >generation in my area lend themselves to small production rather commercial
 >power production.  This is just a guess.  We don't get much sun and 
the area is
 >medium to high population density (suburban and cities).  When I 
tried to find
 >out cost-effectiveness I was barraged with more sales pitches and a little
 >information. Solar was quite costly even without the vendors 
including some of
 >the upkeep costs I can anticipate like tree branches occasionally breaking
 >panels. I found zoning laws might prohibit private wind generation 
although many
 >towns are using wind generators to provide energy for local 
projects.  It would
 >be easy to require new medium and low density housing and 
commercial buildings
 >to be built using passive solar technology which has been around 
for centuries
 >(well at least 40 years).  Local governments don't s
 >eem to be doing that.  So although renewable energy methods hold promise thus
 >far they do not provide a local solution in the northeast.
 >Barbara Reider, CHP
 >-----Original Message-----
 >From: ROY HERREN <royherren2005 at yahoo.com>
 >To: The International Radiation Protection (Health Physics) Mailing List
 ><radsafe at health.phys.iit.edu>
 >Sent: Sun, Aug 22, 2010 3:50 pm
 >Subject: Re: [ RadSafe ] Nuclear Power in Saudi Arabia
 >    Is your statement, "Solar costs can not really compete with nuclear power
 >lant costs over the long haul", a fact or "just your opinion"?  I too am an
 >dvocate for Nuclear Power, however I don't seem to recall a 
government subsidy
 >or the fuel and waste cycle costs for Solar, and to the best of my knowledge
 >he decommissioning costs for Solar aren't even close to being 
comparable to the
 >decommissioning costs of Nuclear Power.  If we are going to have a 
discussion of
 >the merits of a particular energy source I think that we should include the
 >ntire life-cycle costs.  For instance, I can't believe that protesters are
 >egularly complaining about the disposal of nuclear wastes while mountains of
 >oal fly ash accumulate around the country.  It is also baffling 
that using coal
 >emits more radioactivity in the form of radon and other isotopes in a typical
 >ear than Nuclear power emits, but there doen't appear to be a group 
 >his fact.  Then there is my pet peeve of mercury emissions from 
coal.  Clearly
 >e put up with a lot of otherwise unacceptable conditions because coal is a
 >egacy energy source.  I don't think that we should fall into the lagacy trap
 >hen comparing Nuclear Power to Solar Power.  Solar thermal holds 
much promise,
 >nd Solar electric has the potential to be a real game changer.
 >Roy Herren
 >rom: Stewart Farber <radproject at sbcglobal.net>
 >o: The International Radiation Protection (Health Physics) Mailing List
 >radsafe at health.phys.iit.edu>
 >ent: Sun, August 22, 2010 8:36:21 AM
 >ubject: Re: [ RadSafe ] Nuclear Power in Saudi Arabia
 >Quick thoughts on the question. I should really just be reading the NYTimes.
 >egarding building a nuke for Saudi domestic electricity. It is
 >worth much more for the Saudis to meet their own electric needs with the
 >tom, and keep their oil in the ground for long-term revenue from their good
 >riends in the West. The Saudis must get a good laugh when they hear the term
 >energy independence" by the US, which is a lovely phrase since 'Carter, but
 >has failed to be started because of political
 >nfighting and lack of will.
 >The US has reacted to the terrible Gulf spill by shutting down much 
of the oil
 >roduction and drilling in the Gulf, leading to greater oil imports, 
and putting
 >tens of thousands of US workers into joblessness. I'm not for endless oil
 >rilling in the Gulf and other areas like Alaska, but it can be done with less
 >verall environmental impact vs. the true impact of the security 
threats to the
 >S posed by our oil dependence on foreign nations who exploit this dependence.
 >lso our oil dependence has forced the US to get involved in wars like Kuwait
 >nd the Iraq war which have isolated the US and hurt us in so many ways  --I
 >on't want to open a tangential debate on oil demand driven wars. However,  it
 >s clear energy/oil imports by the US has vast security implications.
 >The US is importing far more oil now than at the time of the first 
oil embargo
 >n 1974. Oil supply and Western demand gives the Saudis power to 
influence world
 >The Saudis also will gain some regard with environmental interests
 >utside their country by being able to show they are meeting their
 >nergy needs without CO-2 emissions.
 >Regarding solar. The Saudi government would not be getting "tax credits" from
 >he State to build a solar electric plant that could put out 1100 MW[e], like
 >rivate developers get throughout the world from their host nations, 
paid for by
 >the taxpayers.  Solar development cost & benefits is largely a shell game and
 >he Saudis know it. If they built a large solar electric power plant, the
 >acility would actually have to pay for itself. Solar costs can not really
 >ompete with nuclear power plant costs over the long haul.
 >During the 1970s, it has been well documented that the Saudis 
funded antinuclear
 >groups in the West because they saw nuclear power plant development to be a
 >hreat to their sale of oil to the US and other major buyers. Nuclear plants
 >ould have had a real impact on long-term oil [and LNG] use in the West. In
 >972, the plans were to have one-thousand [1,000]  1,000 MW[e] 
plants in the US
 >y the year 2000 and perhaps another 200 by 2010. . Do the math. If the US had
 >,000 more 1,000 MW[e] plants maybe we could actually supply 
electricity to run
 >lectric cars and make a dent in our oil imports for use in transportation. We
 >ould also be saving our own oil for use as petrochemical feedstocks 
rather than
 >just BTUs.
 >Stewart Farber, MS Public Health
 >Farber Medical Solutions, LLC
 >inac & Imaging Equipment Brokerage
 >Bridgeport, CT 06604
 >[203] 441-8433 [office]
 >website: http://www.farber-medical.com
 >--- On Sun, 8/22/10, blreider at aol.com <blreider at aol.com> wrote:
 >From: blreider at aol.com <blreider at aol.com>
 >ubject: [ RadSafe ] Nuclear Power in Saudi Arabia
 >o: radsafe at health.phys.iit.edu
 >ate: Sunday, August 22, 2010, 10:08 AM
 >he Shaw Group, Inc., Toshiba & Execelon are planning to work with 
the Saudis on
 >building nuke electric generating plants in Sudi Arabia.  Note that Shaw &
 >oshiba own Westinghouse Nuclear, the designer of the AP1000 series nuclear
 >Question:  With all that sun and all that oil why does Saudi Arabia need
 >lectric energy from nuclear fuel?
 >arbara Reider, CHP
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