[ RadSafe ] Exploranium GR-130M instrument repair

Alston, Chris ALSTONCJ at gunet.georgetown.edu
Tue Jun 15 13:15:41 CDT 2010


The only person who can provide full service for these instruments, to my knowledge, is Irian Komar at Radiation Monitor Services in Ontario: 905-872-8039.  He was an engineer with Exploranium, who worked on the original R&D of the device.  You will have to ask him for a quotation, but, last I knew, he was using the same standard fee schedule as SAIC (~ USD 475).


-----Original Message-----
From: Trevor H Thayer [mailto:tht03 at health.state.ny.us] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 11:08 AM
To: radsafe at health.phys.iit.edu
Subject: [ RadSafe ] Exploranium GR-130M instrument repair

Hello all,

I am having trouble finding someone to repair/calibrate a Exploranium
GR-130M miniSPEC. I contacted SAIC, who took over Exploranium, and was
informed that they no longer sell or service this meter. Recently the meter
gave me a "Slave Error"- this indicates a serious internal data processing
error- impossible to continue. Please let me know if you have any
information including prices.

Thank you,

Trevor Thayer
New York State Health Department
tht03 at health.state.ny.us

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