[ RadSafe ] Hot Particle Definition

Neill Stanford stanford at stanforddosimetry.com
Tue May 18 19:09:47 CDT 2010

Without digging up references, I don't think there is a precise definition.
It is a generic/qualitative term. Official documents usually say something
like "Highly radioactive ("Hot") particle" 
If you can't see it, but it is localized and sends your meters off-scale
then you can call it a hot particle. They became famous in NPP's, typically
a result of compromised nuclear fuel, measure in single micrometers or even
nanometers, and are big beta emitters with big dose rates.
The real issues are: knowing that they exist, how to look for them and what
to do about calculating dose when you find one.

For more info, I'd Google "Radioactive hot particle NRC"


Neill Stanford, CHP
Stanford Dosimetry, LLC
stanford at stanforddosimetry.com 
(360) 733-7367 (V)
(360) 933 1794 (F)

-----Original Message-----
From: Harry Reynolds [mailto:hreynolds at energysolutions.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 1:30 PM
To: radsafe at agni.phys.iit.edu
Subject: [ RadSafe ] Hot Particle Definition

 Can someone provide me with or direct me to an accepted and clear
definition of a "hot particle"?


Harry Reynolds
801-649-2219 Desk
801-349-9036 Cell 

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