[ RadSafe ] Chris Busby

John R Johnson idias at interchange.ubc.ca
Wed Apr 20 10:09:47 CDT 2011



I don't understand all this criticism of Chris Busby. I used google to find http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Busby  to looked at his background and he looks like a scientist 

we should encourage discussion with. I am an "internal dosimetrist" and one of the items given in the web site I would like to hear more about is the "Second Event Theory" which 

distinguishes between hazards of external and internal radiation.


Chris is no relation of Bruce Busby from Seattle as far as I know


John R Johnson, PhD
4535 West 9th Ave
Vancouver, B. C.
V6R 2E2, Canada
idias at interchange.ubc.ca



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