[ RadSafe ] Calculate Dose from Flash X-ray?

JPreisig at aol.com JPreisig at aol.com
Tue Aug 16 17:48:14 CDT 2011

Hey Radsafe,
      Wow, is this some sort of star wars X-ray  unit for blowing things 
out of the sky????
      450 kV is a voltage.  450 x 10**3  Volts
      6000 Amps (Whoa!!!!)  Amps are   charge per time, right????
               electrons/time perhaps.
      So, 450 x10**3 Volts  x 6000 charge  units/time
      gives something like  450 x 6000 x  10**3  Volts(Charge units)/time
      (an electron volt is a unit of energy,  right????)
      So, you have:   450 x 6000 x  10**3  Energy units/time  (This is 
power, i.e. a power unit).
      The burst is 25 nanoseconds, i.e. 25 x  10**-9 seconds.
      Energy is power times time, right????
      4.5 x 6.0 x 10**8  Energy units/time x  2.5 x 10**-8 seconds =  4.5 x 
6 x 2.5 (energy/time)seconds.
      So, the result is in the final units of  Energy.  The preceding is a 
calculation of the Energy
      in one pulse of this X-Ray Beastie.   Now, do the calculation again, 
with all the units correct.
      Then find an NCRP document which has  a  table which suggests how to 
find the exposure/
      dose rate, dose equivalence rate or the  doses themselves.  Or resort 
to using MCNP or EGS
      or whatever to model the problem.  Nuff  said.  Do the math yourself, 
please....  Thanks
           Was just  watching TV again (the Military channel) and they were 
discussing WW2
      jet/rocket/spacecraft work being done by the  Germans.  Flying wings, 
flying saucers and all
      that.  We (USA), the Russians and  apparently Argentina all had some 
contingent of German
      Scientists that went to work for each  country after the War.  And 
several years after the War,
     reports of UFO sightings by civilians and aviation  personnel 
increased greatly.  Funny huh.
       UFO's with seven lights (or so, in a  fairly linear geometry) are 
probably some incarnation
      of the German flying wing.  Then, the  USA released into the public 
domain the fact that the
      stealth fighter/bomber were real.  
      Now, (lately) a spacejet (going Mach 10????)  was launched the other 
day and quickly
     proceded to find its way down into the Pacific  Ocean.  This spacejet 
appears to have a
     fairly triangular geometry when viewed from below,  and could explain 
UFO observations of
     a triad of lights flying in formation.
     Apparently, many UFO observations are of USA and  other test 
aircraft/spacecraft.  Of course.
     Mach 10???  Is this performance due to  chemical propulsion, or some 
other form of
     propulsion????  Sounds like the  guidance/control system of this 
spacejet needs some
     (Kalman/Control surface???) tuning.
          As for genetics,  perhaps space aliens are capable genetic/DNA 
scientists and modellers.
     We humans seem to be capable of doing genetic  design/manipulation 
also.  And if there is
     a supreme being (i.e. God) then perhaps he is the  master geneticist.  
Perhaps space 
     aliens and/or humans were both designed and  created by HIM.  Perhaps 
the big guy fibbed to
     us Earthlings about being the only beings in the  universe.
     Mach 10????  See you on Mars soon.   Bring your Geiger counter, your 
     and detector, your Instadose badges (and new  Instadose neutron 
badges???) and your
     new (inexpensive) Japanese resin scintillation  detector???
      Be  good!!!!       Regards,   Joseph R.  (Joe) Preisig, PhD
In a message dated 8/16/2011 3:46:54 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
kenneth.marshall at carestream.com writes:

I would  be interested to know what kind of unit this was and what 
applications it  could be used for (Assuming Industrial Radiography).  If 
you don't  want to broadcast to the entire group please send me a private  



Kenneth  Marshall  Corporate Radiation Safety Officer, EHS
Environmental Health  & Safety

kenneth.marshall at carestream.com
Office +1 585.627.8523  

From:   Bill Miller  <millerwf.bm at gmail.com>
To:      radsafe at health.phys.iit.edu
Date:   08/12/2011 06:13  PM
Subject:        [ RadSafe ] Calculate Dose from  Flash X-ray?
Sent by:         radsafe-bounces at health.phys.iit.edu

The vendor said the  measured dose at 1 meter from a 450 kV, 6000 A X-Ray
unit with a 25  nanosecond burst is 18 milli-R.  Is there a way to 
the  expected beam strength from this unit?   thanks
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