[ RadSafe ] Rolling blackouts

Olsson Mattias :MSO mso at forsmark.vattenfall.se
Mon Feb 7 04:39:43 CST 2011

Steven Dapra wrote:
"Does anyone know of a case when a reactor had to shut down or whose
operation was adversely affected by cold weather?"

In 2010 Ringhals 1 & 2 in Sweden had trouble starting up in the winter
after outages. The coolant inlet was freezing, and the recirculation
canal, that usually diverts a part of the outgoing coolant back to the
inlet in order to keep it above 0 C, was of course not available because
of the outages.

Otherwise, too warm sea water is a bigger problem. Or jelly fish.

Mattias Olsson
Forsmark NPP, Sweden

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