[ RadSafe ] geomagnetic effects on liberated electrons in tissue/ was WHO: Cell phone use

Clayton J Bradt CJB01 at health.state.ny.us
Fri Jun 3 13:16:18 CDT 2011

A 10 keV electron (v= 0.2c) travelling perpendicular to the earth's 
magnetic field would trace a circle of radius 6.7 meters. (The cyclotron 
frequency is independent of the velocity and is about 1.4MHz for an 
electron in the earth's field.) If the perpendicular component of the 10 
keV electron were only 10% of its total velocity the radius of the helical 
path would be about 7 centimeters. Compare this with the mean free path of 
this electron in tissue (water) which is about 20 nm. Any geomagnetic 
effect on the paths of electrons liberated by IR in tissue must be 
diminishingly small.

Clayton J. Bradt
Principal Radiophysicist
NYS Dept. of Health
Biggs Laboratory, Room D486A
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12201-0509


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