[ RadSafe ] FUSRAP in Western NY

Steven Dapra sjd at swcp.com
Tue Mar 8 19:20:33 CST 2011

At 08:29 PM 3/7/2011, you [K. L. McMahan] wrote:
>Dr. Resnikoff,


         More about the radioactive slag will be found at this address:

         See General Questions (D), No. 5, about radioactive slag 
supposedly being used in roads and parking lots around Niagara County.

         This is a US Army Corps of Engineers site.

Steven Dapra

>  I direct your attention to the section titled, "Significance of
>Findings" where it states, "The anomalies from this region are similarly
>associated with phosphate slag material used as bedding for asphalt
>driveways and fill applications and are not related to materials connected
>with the NFSS, including material that was transported to the NFSS" (NFSS I
>understand to be property under the purview of the Army Corps of Engineers
>where Manhattan Engineering District materials are found). It characterizes
>the source of the slag in this manner: "This rocky-slag waste material was
>once involved in the electrochemical production of elemental phosphorous
>using uranium-bearing raw materials and reportedly originated from the
>former Oldbury Furnace in Niagara Falls, New York." This property was (and
>perhaps still is) located on or near Buffalo Avenue. I suppose it would be
>impossible to find where this factory got its material from (it was built in
>1897), but there are certainly well-known locations where U and Ra are
>co-located with phosphate formations. The statement that slag from the
>factory property was used in the roadbed is not sourced in ORNL/TM-10076. A
>more recent publication (October 2010) that I browsed this evening,
>LMS/NFS/S06246 (long title, also available on the DOE LM web site) in
>section 6.1 seems to indicate there are ongoing discussions about past
>sources of materials for road beds and construction but refers to them only
>as containing "metal separation slag." Having previously ruled out MED
>activities, I take this to mean that there were other non-MED metallurgical
>operations in the local area with uranium-bearing slag that could have been
>taken and used inadvertently in the roads.


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