[ RadSafe ] Suggestion - Contact News Media - Comment on theWebsites and Contact the Broadcasters

Bob Hearn rhearn at bellsouth.net
Sat Mar 12 23:11:21 CST 2011

Same rbid anti-nukes I have been blasting FOX about on their broadcast all
day! Union of "Concerned Scientists" is long-standing anti-nuke group with
the ticking clock symbol with hands approaching midnight...Cirincione is
billed as  "expert on nuclear materials..." - B.S. psychology, 10 years
later MS Foreign Service Program, no work except in political
circles...President of Ploughshares Fund - "a firm involved in security and
peace funding"

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger Helbig" <rhelbig at sfo.com>
To: "'The International Radiation Protection (Health Physics) Mailing List'"
<radsafe at health.phys.iit.edu>
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2011 8:11 PM
Subject: [ RadSafe ] Suggestion - Contact News Media - Comment on
theWebsites and Contact the Broadcasters

Here is where to comment on ABC's "Breaking News" story about the second
reactor at Fukushima having a cooling problem

Read this 4 page story too - it is probably the text of this evening's ABC
Evening News broadcast - what do you members know about the "experts" that
ABC has consulted -

Edwin Lyman, a senior scientist with the Union of Concerned Scientists.
Joseph Cirincione, president of the Ploughshares Fund ( does not appear to
be a scientist - see below)


Roger Helbig


Ploughshares Fund is engaged in an aggressive strategy to seize the
unprecedented opportunities before us to achieve a safe, secure, nuclear
weapon-free world. Combining high-level advocacy, an enhanced grantmaking
capacity and our own expertise, we are helping to fundamentally change
nuclear weapons policy.
Ploughshares Fund is the largest grantmaking foundation in the U.S.
dedicated exclusively to security and peace funding. For more than 25 years
we have identified and supported the smartest people with the best ideas for
preventing the spread and use of nuclear weapons and building stability in
regions where nuclear weapons may be factors.

Joseph Cirincione
Washington, D.C.
Joseph Cirincione is President of Ploughshares Fund, a global security
foundation. He previously served as Vice President for National Security and
International Policy at the Center for American Progress and Director for
Nonproliferation at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is
the author of Bomb Scare: The History and Future of Nuclear Weapons and
Deadly Arsenals: Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Threats. He is a member of
the Council on Foreign Relations, and he serves on the World Economic Forum
Global Council on Catastrophic Risks.
Cirincione worked for nine years in the U.S. House of Representatives on the
professional staff of the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on
Government Operations. He is the author of hundreds of articles on nuclear
weapons issues, the producer of two DVDs, a frequent commentator in the
media, and he appeared in the films, Countdown to Zero and Why We Fight. He
has held positions at the Henry L. Stimson Center, the U.S. Information
Agency and the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He teaches at
the graduate School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University.

Lyman is not a member of the two-person Nuclear staff at Union of Concerned

Nuclear Power Staff

Dave Lochbaum
Director, Nuclear Safety Project
Ellen Vancko
Nuclear Energy & Climate Change Project Manager

He is on the Nuclear Weapons & Global Security staff

Jonathan Dean
Adviser on Global Security Issues
Laura Grego
Senior Staff Scientist, Global Security Program
Teri Grimwood
Global Security Program Researcher
Lisbeth Gronlund
Senior Scientist & Co-Director, Global Security Program
Gregory Kulacki
Senior Analyst, China Project Manager
Edwin Lyman
Senior Scientist, Global Security
Sean Meyer
Manager of Strategic Campaigns for Global Security
Nickolas Roth
Policy Analyst
David Wright
Senior Scientist & Co-Director, Global Security
Stephen Young
Senior Analyst & Washington Representative, Global Security Program

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