[ RadSafe ] Man-Made Global Warming Pt.2

Anagnostopoulos, Harry (CONTR) H.Anagnostopoulos at nv.doe.gov
Thu May 5 12:21:06 CDT 2011

Mike Brennan said (in part):


The "man-made" global warming issue is one where neither side had a
corner on intellectual dishonesty.




I believe that many of the changes called for by people concerned about
climate change are clearly good in their own right.  Not burning things
that put crap in the air is a good thing.  Not destroying forests is a
good thing.  Not wasting resources is a good thing. ...



Well said Mike. In many cases, I agree with several of the goals of the
environmental movement. I'd like to see much more recycling and
independence from all oil (as best we can). I STRONGLY object to the
attempt to SCARE me into making these changes. This may be effective to
a population in the short-term, but is self defeating in the long-term,
(when people find out).


How many groups out there started with good intent, and then let more
radical elements in their group dictate methods that end up discrediting
the group as a whole? Are the outrageous antics and claims of PETA
effective? Not for me. I pay no attention to what they want (and
originally, it was something good that we all could have agreed


When we respond to claims on this list, let's all make sure that we
don't resort to similar approaches.


Regards to all,


-          Harry



Harry Anagnostopoulos, CHP


"In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but
planning is indispensable."

-             President Dwight D. Eisenhower




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