[ RadSafe ] Claim that Fukushima rescue squad volunteer died from internal radiation

Roger Helbig rwhelbig at gmail.com
Mon Nov 14 07:01:00 CST 2011

This sounds highly suspicious.  Does anyone on this list have contacts in
Japan who can confirm or affirmatively deny?  Thanks.

Roger Helbig

Related question does anyone know who Christina MacPherson who vacuums the
internet and finds these posts really is?  Is she paid by some anti-nuclear

Renal Failure 3 Months After He Was Found with Internal Radiation Exposure

A woman in a public forum asked a question to the two panelists: Why did my
friend die?

The event was held in Sapporo City on November 6, 2011.

Her friend was a member of the special rescue unit of the Fire Department
(probably in Osaka) who was sent numerous times to the disaster-affected
areas in Fukushima and Iwate for the rescue effort. In July, he was found
with internal radiation exposure, but he had to continue working. His
employer kept sending him and his colleagues to the disaster area even
after the internal radiation exposure was found in them
---------- Forwarded message ----------

New post on nuclear-news

Fukushima rescue squad volunteer dies from internal radiation

by Christina MacPherson

Dr. Sakiyama cunningly switched the subject to the Fukushima plant workers,
but the issue here is not the plant workers. It's the rescue squad members,
it's the volunteers, it's the residents, who have been exposed, willing or
not, to radiation that could kill over time, and who are without any shred
of safeguard for their health. If they die, it is because of "stress".

Fukushima rescuer dies from internal radiation, 13 NOVEMBER 2011, THE
CANADIAN A woman in a public forum asked a question to the two panelists:
Why did my friend die? The event was held in Sapporo City on November 6,

VIDEO Transcript  On October 26, a friend of mine in Osaka passed away. He
was a rescue squad member and had been sent to work in disaster-affected
areas for a long time, such as Iwate or Fukushima. In July, he was found to
have been internally exposed to radiation. All his team members had been,
too. But their mission didn't end. Rescue people are those who went through
very hard training and have a strong will to do something for the sake of
others. So they continued to carry out their mission, even though they knew
they had been exposed to radiation.

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