[ RadSafe ] "mis-information from both TEPCO and the Japanese government immediately after the incident"

Maury maurysis at peoplepc.com
Mon Oct 10 17:00:45 CDT 2011


Here is a shortened URL to bring up the excellent arrticle provided by 
Jaro about the chemical damages from the disasterous quake and tsunami.

An aside: I also followed the quake news very closely and noted 
considerable conflicting information. But under the drastic 
circumstances, I was only surprised by the quantity of detail being 
reported . And I question the value of speculating about deliberate 
misinformation. Just a huge number of two-legged fragile humans and a 
few lemons trying to cope with massive death and destruction -- would 
one prefer to have a group of armadillos handle the problems? (g)
Maury&Dog  [MaurySiskel  maurysis at peoplepc.com]

On 10/10/2011 4:10 PM, Jaro Franta wrote:
> Sandy&  group,
> I'm a bit puzzled by the comment about "mis-information from both TEPCO and
> the Japanese government immediately after the incident".
> I and my CNS colleagues (Canadian Nuclear Society) followed the development
> of the Fukushima tsunami event since the earliest days, and my impression is
> that NO OTHER nuclear incident has ever had better public information by the
> authorities -- especially given the fact that tens of thousands of lives
> were lost in the disaster in neighbouring coastal areas !
> I suppose its possible that if you were occupied with other things (ex.
> long-distance travel) at the time, information may have been hard to come by
> ?
> What bugs me - to this day - is how little (i.e. "none") media attention is
> given to the much wider problem of CHEMICAL contamination that resulted from
> the tsunami disaster:
> http://ehp03.niehs.nih.gov/article/fetchArticle.action;jsessionid=B9FF811AF2
> 1DA147E27FCFE7FD70238B?articleURI=info:doi/10.1289/ehp.119-a290
> ....can we expect the health effects of that mess to be blamed on radiation
> from Fukushima ?
>   Jaro
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Mon, 10 Oct 2011 14:07:28 -0400, Perle, Sandy<sperle at mirion.com>  wrote:
>> The problem is that the mis-information from both TEPCO and the Japanese
>> government immediately after the incident, continuing on during the

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