[ RadSafe ] Mangano - Disease and death toll from Fukushima radiation needs careful, patient, tracking

Lantzelot Mattias.Lantz at physics.uu.se
Thu Aug 30 17:10:31 CDT 2012

If anybody is interested I have put up a scrutiny of Mangano's latest 
joke on the NPYP web site:
Blog post with general comments:
More detailed look into the numbers:

/Mattias Lantz

Mattias Lantz - Researcher
??? ?????
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Division of Applied Nuclear Physics
Uppsala University, Box 516
SE - 751 20, Uppsala, Sweden

On 08/19/2012 05:25 AM, Roger Helbig wrote:
> Suggest that professionals make news media aware of all the
> shortcomings of Mangano's past research and claims - he has
> established himself with the help of Janette Sherman as an expert on
> Chernobyl just like Busby has -
> Roger Helbig
> Christina MacPherson posted: "[in the 12 months after Fukushima]  an
> excess of 38,700 Japanese deaths, with no obvious cause. Nobody should
> yet race to conclusions that 38,700 Japanese died from Fukushima
> exposure in the first year after the disaster.   The final element
> nee"
> Disease and death toll from Fukushima radiation needs careful, patient, tracking
> by Christina MacPherson
> [in the 12 months after Fukushima]  an excess of 38,700 Japanese
> deaths, with no obvious cause.
> Nobody should yet race to conclusions that 38,700 Japanese died from
> Fukushima exposure in the first year after the disaster.
> The final element needed before conclusions are made is patience;
> vital statistics must continue to be tracked, and compared with
> radiation exposures to the Japanese people.
> [In 2009] A team of Russian researchers, led by Dr. Alexey Yablokov,
> published results of 5,000 reports and articles on Chernobyl – many in
> Russian languages never before made public. Yahlokov’s team concluded
> that near Chernobyl, increases in disease sand deaths were observed
> for nearly every human organ system.
> Let the Counting Begin Fukushima’s Nuclear Casualties
> http://www.counterpunch.org/2012/08/15/fukushimas-nuclear-casualties/
> by JOSEPH MANGANO, 15 Aug 12 It’s been nearly 18 months since the
> disastrous nuclear meltdown at Fukushima.  There have been many
> reports on the huge amounts of radioactivity escaping into the air and
> water, unusually high levels in air, water, and soil – along with
> atypically high levels of toxic chemicals in food – that actually
> “passed” government inspection and wasn’t banned like some other food.
> Conspicuously absent are reports on effects of radiation exposure on
> the health of the Japanese people.  Have any health officials publicly
> announced post-March 2011 numbers on fetal deaths, infant deaths,
> premature births, birth defects, cancer, or other health conditions?
> The answer so far is an emphatic “no.”
> The prolonged silence doesn’t mean data doesn’t exist.  Japanese
> health officials have been busy with their usual duties of collecting
> and posting statistics on the Internet for public inspection.  It’s
> just that they aren’t calling the public’s attention to these numbers.
> Thus, it is the public who must find the information and figure out
> what it means.  After locating web sites, translating from Japanese,
> adding data for each of 12 months, and making some calculations,
> mortality trends in Japan after Fukushima are emerging. Read more of
> this post
> Christina MacPherson | August 16, 2012 at 4:03 am | Categories:
> health, Japan, Reference | URL: http://wp.me/phgse-73G
> http://nuclear-news.net/2012/08/16/disease-and-death-toll-from-fukushima-radiation-needs-careful-patient-tracking/
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