[ RadSafe ] Busby on Scientific Dishonesty

Roger Helbig rwhelbig at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 08:01:27 CST 2012

I recently set up a "Chris Busby" Google Alert and and today's leads
to http://candobetter.net/node/2744 and I hope that many of you
comment upon it to the site where it appears.  I first question
whether such an address was ever made by Busby at the Royal Society in
London or if perhaps this was a phantom appearance much like the
phantom membership in the Royal Chemical Society or the Fellowship at
the University of Liverool that is still cited on Green Audit's page
introducing Busby as the founder and "scientific expert"  years after
that Fellowship (which apparently was obtained by Professor Vyvvan
Howard when he was at Liverpool and who has obtained Busby's current
Visiting Assistant Professorship at the University of Ulster) had

Web 1 new result for Chris Busby

Scientific dishonesty and nuclear power - Article by Chris Busby ...
This article is based on the talk by Dr. Chris Busby about scientific
dishonesty in nuclear issues at the Royal Society in London last
November. Please also see ...

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