[ RadSafe ] Diesel exhaust and underground mining vs other factorsfor lun...

Andycgeo at aol.com Andycgeo at aol.com
Sun Mar 4 07:44:24 CST 2012

The lung cancer incidence in the US is about 160,000. Of these lung cancers 
 about 140,000 are due to smoking and another 20,000 due to radon. Radon is 
the  second leading cause of lung cancer.
Andy George
In a message dated 3/3/2012 12:12:27 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
sjd at swcp.com writes:

March  2

To answer my own uncertainty, "In  the United States, smoking 
is estimated to account for 87% of lung cancer  cases (90% in men and 
85% in women)."

Eighty seven percent of 450,000 is 391,500 lung cancer 
deaths  per year from smoking.

The estimate  quote is from Wikipedia and is sourced (fn.  23).


Steven  Dapra

At 09:53 PM 3/2/2012, you wrote:
>March  2
>         The dispute is not over  whether or not radon causes 
> cancer.  The dispute is over how  much cancer is caused by 
> radon.  The EPA estimated (in 2003)  that radon causes about 21,000 
> lung cancer deaths per year.   This estimate was based on BEIR  VI.
>   The annual death toll from cigarette smoking is  around 
> 450,000.  (How much of that is lung cancers I do not  know.)
>         I am eagerly awaiting  the JNCI paper, which will be 
> available on the afternoon of Monday,  March 5.
>Steven Dapra
>At 03:15  PM 3/2/2012, you wrote:
>>Hi, Patricia.
>>I  think you are overselling that part of a sentence.  While I  haven't
>>seen the article, I suspect what they mean is that even  when the other
>>factors are controlled statistically, risk of dying  of lung cancer
>>increases as REC exposure increase.  This does  not mean that researchers
>>are saying that silica, asbestos,  non-diesel exhaust-related  polycyclic
>>hydrocarbons, respirable dust, and  radon do not cause cancer, but rather
>>their results are not  explained by those other cancer causing agents.
>>If you  did a little bit of research on your source, you would find  that
>>Journal of the National Cancer Institute, in which this paper  will
>>appear, has over 200 papers, articles, and editorials which  mention
>>radon (though most are not about radon), and a quick  perusal shows
>>almost all agree that radon can cause cancer, though  there is discussion
>>about the numbers.  The International  Agency for Research on Cancer,
>>cited as the agency that classified  diesel exhaust as a probable
>>carcinogen, also classifies radon as a  carcinogen.
>>I suspect that when you read this entire  article, it will not in fact
>>support your  position.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From:  radsafe-bounces at health.phys.iit.edu
>>[mailto:radsafe-bounces at health.phys.iit.edu]  On Behalf Of patricia lewis
>>Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 11:50  AM
>>To: radsafe at health.phys.iit.edu
>>Cc: Edward Calabrese;  patricia lewis; Jerry Cuttler; Doug Boreham;  TD
>>Subject: [ RadSafe ] Diesel exhaust and  underground mining vs other
>>factorsfor lung  cancer
>>Studies  show exposure to diesel exhaust may increase lung  cancer
>>(all author contact info is within the  article)
>>SNIP: "The researchers found a statistically  significantly increased
>>of lung cancer with  increasing REC exposure among underground  workers.
>>evidence of increased risk was also shown  for longer-term workers above
>>ground who were exposed to elevated  levels of REC (Respirable Elemental
>>Carbon - a surrogate of diesel  exhaust exposure). Other workplace
>>such as  silica, asbestos, non-diesel exhaust-related polycyclic  aromatic
>>hydrocarbons, respirable dust, and radon, had little or no  effect on the
>>findings."  Repeat: ".... and radon, had little  or no effect on
>>Pat  Lewis

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