[ RadSafe ] Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center

Lawrence Jacobi rjacobi at jacobiconsulting.net
Mon Dec 30 21:43:06 CST 2013

This is interesting:

For an annual fee of $19.95, the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center, a private company that compiles data from EPA and private radiation monitoring networks, will provide you with alerts about rising radiation levels (Radiation Alert Messages or RAMs) by email or text, and access to charts and historical data.    

You can view their web page at this link: http://www.netc.com.

Apparently, the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center recently reported “dangerous radiation levels” in St. George, Utah.  The levels were ranked RADCON-4 by this tracking center, which they indicate is an area of concern that is just one step below full emergency alert.  This prompted the EPA to conduct an investigation that resulted in a finding that there was no cause for concern.  The EPA concluded the increased radiation levels were normal fluctuations in air probably related to increased concentrations of radon due to changing weather conditions.



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