[ RadSafe ] "Experts" Explain Effects of Radioactive Water at Fukushima

Roger Helbig rwhelbig at gmail.com
Wed Jun 19 23:37:26 CDT 2013

"Experts"?!  None of them really are but they sure do have an
enthusiastic following of people who think that they are.  How much of
this is real and how much is just made up by fertile imaginations with
impressive sounding titles?

arclight2011part2 posted: "Japanese diplomat Akio MatsumuraJune 19,
2013In a post at his website, Japanese diplomat Akio Matsumura (photo,
left) has written an introduction to essays by Dr. Gordon Edwards
(President of Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility), and Dr.
Helen C"

Experts Explain Effects of Radioactive Water at Fukushima

by arclight2011part2

Japanese diplomat Akio Matsumura

June 19, 2013

In a post at his website, Japanese diplomat Akio Matsumura (photo,
left) has written an introduction to essays by Dr. Gordon Edwards
(President of Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility), and Dr.
Helen Caldicott (Founding President of Beyond Nuclear), about the
management -- or lack thereof -- of the radioactively contaminated
cooling water and groundwater, that has come to be the most demanding
and dangerous issue that Tepco has faced since 2011 at the devastated
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in northeastern Japan.

Gordon explains how the water -- a whopping 800 tons per day, which
then Tepco has to store and prevent from leaking into the environment
-- becomes radioactively contaminated in the first place. Tepco has
resorted to vast "tank farms" of surface storage tanks, especially
after underground storage tanks were discovered to be leaking in
April. However, the surface storage tanks have now also been
discovered to be leaking, as well. Besides that, Tepco has sought to
simply release 100 tons of radioactively contaminated water per day
into the Pacific, for lack of storage space -- a move that local
fishermen, trying to re-establish some semblance of a livelihood,
despite the widespread radioactive contamination of seafood, are
fiercely resisting.

Helen then delves into "Nine Medical Implications of
Tritium-contaminated Water," as efforts to decontaminate the cooling
and groundwater cannot remove tritium (radioactive H-3, which combines
with oxygen to form radioactive water), for water cannot be filtered
from water. Helen points out that, "[b]ecause it is tasteless,
odorless and invisible, [tritium] will inevitably be ingested in food,
including seafood, over many decades. It combines in the DNA molecule
– the gene – where it can induce mutations that later lead to cancer.
It causes brain tumors, birth deformities, and cancers of many
organs." In fact, the contamination of the seafood chain
bio-concentrates the radioactivity, so that those at the top of the
food chain -- humans -- get the worst doses of harmful radioactivity.


arclight2011part2 | June 20, 2013 at 4:15 am | URL: http://wp.me/phgse-duF


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