[ RadSafe ] Excellent scientific paper published in the August 2015 Health Physics Journal, "Estimating Annual Individual Doses for Evacuees Returning Home to Areas Affected by the Fukushima NuclearAccident"

Jim Hardeman jim.hardeman at gmail.com
Sat Jul 25 17:26:17 CDT 2015

Not surprising, given the amount of Cs-134 deposited and 4+ years of decay
and weathering.

Jim Hardeman
Decatur, GA

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Network.
On Jul 25, 2015 4:05 PM, "Mattias Lantz" <Mattias.Lantz at physics.uu.se>

> Sander,
> I assume this is the article you refer to.
> It requires subscription to read, but at least the abstract is available
> without subscription.
> http://journals.lww.com/health-physics/Abstract/2015/08000/Estimating_Annual_Individual_Doses_for_Evacuees.5.aspx
> Best wishes,
> Mattias Lantz
> --
> Mattias Lantz - Researcher, PhD
> ??? ?????
> Department of Physics and Astronomy
> Division of Applied Nuclear Physics
> Uppsala University, Box 516
> SE - 751 20, Uppsala, Sweden
> phone:  +46-(0)18-471-3754
> cell:   +46-(0)730-454-384
> fax:    +46-(0)18-471-5999
> email:  mattias.lantz at physics.uu.se
> On 07/25/2015 09:46 PM, Sander Perle wrote:
>> Significant amount of data with the conclusion that in many areas the dose
>> rate has decreased by as much as 50% and that the evacuees are returning
>> home. Well worth the time to read and be able to communicate factual data
>> as
>> compared to many scientists and media where there is an anti-nuclear
>> agenda.
>> The data, methodology and facts stand on their own credibility.
>> Regards,
>> Sandy
>> Retired, Consultant
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