[ RadSafe ] Six months of winter

sfisher373 at aol.com sfisher373 at aol.com
Wed Jan 27 15:48:09 CST 2016

 The funding is really government.  Chalk River, which developed the CANDU was sold for virtually nothing to SNC-Lavelin.  In Ontario, OPG is a private company with a single shareholder- the provincial government.  Bruce Power is a private company with no government funding, but the province paid for the distribution lines, and Bruce Power leases the reactors from the government.  So when the term is over, the province is responsible for decommissioning and cleanup.  So when you say the funding is more private than government, it is a matter perception. 

Looks like Canada has a nuclear approach to it's winter and disenfranchised
communities issues. The more interesting point is the funding is more
private than government.



Matthew Lai




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