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Re: Uranium Workers Used in Experiments
Seems to me, these lawsuits will keep popping up.
I am not a liability expert, one may say nobody new that some of those levels
were harmful, some may find an old news paper or scientific article saying
that there were a some evidence.
Morally, it will be the right step to pay to those who was exposed to the
levels definitely harmful by today's standards.
If a political environment is for the restitutions it is better to pay off,
that will eastablishe the industry as a responsible subject, may be for the
first time in its history it will get a RESPONSIBLE image.
Tobacco setllement not a direct but a given idea case.
Even more to that, if I were a DOE, I would my self initiate the restitution
In that case:
DOE would get an initiative power, receive a political credit and improve its
a dark and a very suspicions public image, honestly to say, DOE loves that
image, it makes probably some people to feel very important. Well, times in
nowadays are different, even CIA!!!! , what could possibly more deserve that
kind of image, went on the university's campuses job fairs to improve their
public image.
The auto industry recalls did help its image, today most of the consumers do
not care about those safety recalls at all.
A new always was and will be the well forgotten old.
In a message dated 2/7/00 7:19:41 Pacific Standard Time,
sandyfl@earthlink.net writes:
<< Uranium Workers Used in Experiments
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) February 6 - Some workers at a federal uranium
processing plant participated in experiments in the 1950s that had
them breathing the radioactive element, The Courier-Journal reported
Some of the participants at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
volunteered for the tests, but some may not have been informed of the
dangers, according to a draft report by the Department of Energy on
an investigation of health, safety and environmental problems at the
western Kentucky plant.
In one experiment, staff members volunteered to breathe a radioactive
gas to see how quickly uranium was excreted in their urine, according
to the report.
In other tests, a senior staffer drank a solution containing uranium,
and at least 14 workers tested the effectiveness of respirators
against radioactive dust, gas and smoke, according to the report.
A copy of the report was obtained by The Courier-Journal.
Although the general dangers of radiation were known at the time of
the experiments, its interactions with the human body were not
entirely understood. Many believed that uranium dust and byproducts
of the enrichment process posed little or no hazard for humans.
The draft report also says wholesale pollution of the air, ground and
water around the plant - in quantities that may have been
significantly underreported - may have exposed residents to
When asked about the report, Energy Department officials said only
that it was under review. The Paducah plant has been managed by the
department, as well as by predecessor federal agencies and private
The report details a range of problems at Paducah from 1952 to 1990.
For years, investigators found, workers were not always told of the
dangers they faced working with highly toxic radioactive materials.
And their families may have been exposed when workers took
contaminated clothing home to be laundered.
Vast amounts of uranium-contaminated smoke, steam and gas were vented
into the open air - sometimes secretly in what employees called
``midnight negatives.'' Inside some buildings, workers were exposed
to unplanned releases and leaks of radioactive gases and hazardous
chemicals such as hydrofluoric acid, the report said.
The department began its review after a lawsuit by three employees
alleged that former plant operators Lockheed Martin Corp. and Martin
Marietta Corp. had profited by lying to the government about the
extent of environmental pollution and worker exposure to radiation.
The investigators said that although measured exposures to radiation
were high by today's standards, total exposures were comparable to
those occurring at Defense Department facilities, commercial nuclear
power plants and other DOE factories.
However, documents showed that, during the 1950s, 40 to 60 workers
sought medical help every four months after exposure to accidental
releases of uranium, hydrogen fluoride and fluorine.
In a companion story focusing on a feed mill at the Paducah plant,
The Courier-Journal reported that workers were exposed to radiation
levels so high it was possible for a worker to be exposed to as much
radiation in one day as was then considered safe for an entire year.
The paper cited a newly released report, dated Feb. 21, 1961, that
contained data on radiation emissions.
During a typical week, about 60 to 70 men worked round the clock in
four shifts in the feed plant, producing fluorine from hydrofluoric
acid and combining the lethal gas with uranium powder. The feed mill
was closed in the late 1970s.
Sandy Perle Tel:(714) 545-0100 / (800) 548-5100
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