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Re: Contaminated Residential Waste from I-131 Patient

Airline companies regularly berate the FAA.  Car companies berate the agency that
regulates car safety.  Drug companies berate FDA.  etc. etc.  Why shouldn't the
nuclear industry berate the NRC, DOE and EPA?  Actually the nuclear power industry
has berated NRC strongly in the past for the SALP program.  Sorry, Steve, I don't
agree with your point of view in this matter.  When any government agency errs, it
must be called on the error.  If the NRC errs vis-a-vis radiation safety, we are the
best people to call them on it.  If we don't, who will?  If no one does the error is
maintained.  When good men do nothing, evil flourishes.

Richardson has erred greatly recently.  We must call the DOE on that error!  To me
he has erred in almost an evil way.  If his errors result in the death of the
nuclear industry, that, to me, is evil.  Al Tschaeche antatnsu@pacbell.net

Steven Rima wrote:

I must respectfully disagree with you. If we ever get to the point that, as

>      a profession, we stoop to the level of the anti's and start public name
>      calling, berating, personally attacking, etc. an entire agency or
>      individuals in them to try to influence public opinion and policy, that's
>      the point when I'll find a new profession to associate myself with.
>      Steve
org:Nuclear Standards Unlimited
fn:Al Tschaeche