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Re: Flyover rad survey contractors
Although I no longer participate in airborne gamma-ray surveys, the team
whom I worked for still exists and can be contacted at:
Scottish Universities Research & Reactor Centre (SURRC)
Scottish Enterprise Technology Park
Rankine Avenue
East Kilbride
Glasgow G75 OQF
Tel. 01355 223332
Fax. 01355 229898
SURRC is part of the University of Glasgow. The team leader is Dr DCW
Sanderson and his email is D.Sanderson@surrc.gla.ac.uk
The airborne surveys performed by SURRC over the last 12 years have been on
a contractual basis for the nuclear industry, government bodies, local
councils, charities and the oil industry. This has included environmental
research (marine deposition along the coast of the Irish Sea, Chernboyl
deposition in Scotland, Wales and NW England), baseline surveys around many
UK nuclear facilities, searches for lost/stolen sources (in Africa),
emergency response exercises and epidemiological research. All this was
performed using low flying (with special CAA approval) helicopters
(AS350/355, Bell 212, JetRanger) and light aeroplanes. In addition, the
equipment lends itself to be easily mounted in any other vehicle like eg.
Jeep or small ATV. The instrumentation deployed is adaptable for the
application (large volume sodium iodide, high efficiency GE detectors and
thin window Ge detectors).
There is a considerable amount of literature available from research
conducted within europe in the last few years, and the excellent joint
execise between EU partners held in Finland in 1995 (RESUME 95: Rapid
Environmental Surveying using Mobile Equipment) who fielded
airborne/carborne survey teams demonstrated the capability of search and
survey gamma-ray technology. The exercise was organised by NKS, Danish
Emergency Management Agency, the Geolgical Survey of Finland, and SSI
Dr JD Allyson
Health Physics: Reactor Decommissioning
At 16:21 24/02/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Does anyone have info regarding contractors that perform flyover radiation
>surveys? We need to survey about 650 acres and would like to evaluate this
>technology for use as a screening survey.
>Thank you,
>The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
>information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html
The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html