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RE: Radon vs. LNT - [CUT TO] the Chase

Hear! Hear!  I like it when you reduce your blood pressure, it reduces mine.
Your sentiments are precisely mine.

About 8-10 years ago at a Campus Radiation Safety Officer meeting, I posed
the question as to who thought radon was a problem.  Two hands in the group
of 120 went up.  They were from the Iowa radon project. Imagine that.  We
asked the collolary question of who thought it was NOT a problem. 118 hands
went up (at least it looked like it).   The comments all came down to the
same thing - the filthy,lieing EPA created a monstrous empire around radon.
Not much has changed in the intervening years has it? (Rhetorical question,
no need to answer.)

Larry Grimm
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