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controling work groups. thats where the real alara job
comes from. plus with planning and pre-job briefs.
--- Cristian Nicolau <cnicolau@nbnet.nb.ca> wrote:
> Stan:
> Even if I worked for 15 years in HP, my formation is
> as a nuclear
> engineer. Maybe your system of education is
> different, but we in
> Romania, Europe had to take the same courses as the
> nuclear physicists
> and some specific technical courses. This didn't
> affect my performance
> as a HP but improved it by giving me a better
> understanding of each
> experiment and new situation.
> As far as ALARA goes, I remember there are three
> principles of Radiation
> Protection and this comes the second, usually known
> as "optimization".
> As low as reasonably achievable applies to a
> justified exposure and here
> is the HP role to justify or to deny or to minimize
> that exposure. How
> many radiation workers get 50 mSv (5 Rem) in a year?
> No doubt we have to
> assess every exposure in order to minimize it but
> over time ALARA lost
> the R and the optimization goal. The regulator
> should enforce Radiation
> Protection, not only a part of it.
> Regards,
> Cristian Nicolau
> cnicolau@nbnet.nb.ca
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mark sasser
at duke99301@yahoo.com
you can also reach me at duke9930@concentric.net
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