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Repeat-Reject Analysis in mammography

>From: Francine Dinelle <francine.dinelle.chum@SSSS.GOUV.QC.CA>
>Greetings from Montréal:
>In the 1999 edition of the Mammography Quality Control Manual, the
>Analysis presents reasons to reject mammography films.
>One of our technicians ask me:
>- if there were specific definitions of what is considered a light film,
>film, dark film, black film, and double exposure?
>- why do we include dark films in repeated films and not clear films?
>Obviously, I provided my own definitions but thinking it over they seem
>questions for the list.
>I would appreciate hearing from medical physicists or others regarding their
>definitions.  Please send these to the list or to me.  I will gladly post the
>results on the MEDPHYS Listserv.
>Thank you
>Dr. Francine Dinelle, Ph.D.
>CHUM - University of Montreal Medical Centre
>Hotel-Dieu Hospital (Dept. of radiology)
>3840, rue St-Urbain
>Montreal (Quebec) CANADA H2W 1T8
>tel:  514 843.2611 ext. 4309
>fax: 514 843.2740
>e-mail: francine.dinelle.chum@ssss.gouv.qc.ca
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