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K-40 Thread

>    Its worse than you think - if you go to the health food store you can buy
>    "lite salt", which contains a large proportion of KCl.

Actually available in any supermarket.

I'm writing in defense of the much aligned banana. In fact, potatoes are
even  greater sources of dietary potassium and I've calculated a whole body
absorbed dose of 0.01 mrem from a large order of fries.

I donate (to anyone energetic enough to pursue it) one of my pet projects
which is to calculate the US population dose from potato consumption.
Hopefully there is data in the public domain on french fry sales by our
fast food chains. Could the golden arches be more dangerous than the
cooling towers?


Andrew Mattox, CSP
Environmental Health and Safety Manager
Marine Biological Laboratory
7 MBL street
Woods Hole, Ma 02543

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