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I looked at some of the victim's testimony on the link that Dyer provided.
I can't say that I have ever heard of "slow cooking nuclear criticality in drains..."
If there are slow cooking criticality in drains wouldn't the rad fields be sufficiently above background so that they
would be detectable?
A few questions for Ms Dyer:
- You say you took smears with IBM cards - what were the removable contamination levels in the area being surveyed?
- what where the direct reading on the floor/structures/
- what were the airborne concentrations in the areas where you worked?
- As an HP tech you surely knew of the "right to know" laws - why didn't you use them?
I'd like to see testimony from the contractors and DOE, does anyone know where I could find those?
copied from testimony of J. Phelps:
A perceived problem seen at ORNL was many persons were being noticed with thyroid conditions
and it was first suspected that releases of I131 might be generated by a slow cooking nuclear
criticality in drains, sumps, ponds, or other areas of K25 with unmonitored highly enriched uranium
(HEU) deposits, as well as several fissile slow cooking problems at ORNL.
guards had seen flames shooting from the Y12 Chestnut Ridge burial ground and trees died nearby,
which suggested a nuclear criticality in this area. A fission problem would make hydrogen that
easily ignite rising from the burial ground.
Bill Miller
Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
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